Bibliography and materials collected by Bentzon
Books- The Launeddas - A Sardinian Folk Music Instrument
[Iscandula published an Italian version complete with 3 audio CDs]
Articles in trade press- Et sardisk folkemusikinstrument (An instrument of Sardinian folk music) Budstikken 1959, National Museum of Denmark, Pages 41-59. Copenhagen. - Notes sur la vie musicale d'un village sarde - Launeddas, et sardisk folkemusikinstrument (Launeddas, an instrument of Sardinian folk music), Dansk Musiktidsskrift, N. 3, May 1961, Pages 97-105. Copenhagen. - Is launeddas Ichnusa, n. 45, 1961, Pages 22-33. - Music of the Waiwai Indians Niels Fock, in Waiwai: religion and society of an Amazonian tribe, APPENDIX I, 1963, National Museets skrifter. Etnografiske Raekke VIII, Pages 262-302. Copenhagen. - Glædeligt nytaar - Etnologisk blaalys paa en dansk overgangsrite (Happy New Year – An ethnological tease on the ritual Danish way to welcome the New Year), Jordens Folk, Etnografisk Revy, 2nd year, N. 1, 1966, Pages 173-174. Copenhagen. - Den sydvietnamesiske Bonde (The farmer from South Vietnam) and Om vietnamesisk (The language of South Vietnam), Jordens Folk, Etnografisk Revy, 2nd year, N. 4, 1966, Pages 338-343. Copenhagen. - Enkernes og banditternes fest - Et karneval paa Sardinien (The farmer from South Vietnam) and Om vietnamesisk (The language of South Vietnam), Jordens Folk, Etnografisk Revy, 2nd year, N. 4, 1966, Pages 338-343. Copenhagen. - Sydøstasien (South East Asia), Nicolaisen, Nellemann, Kehler (eds.), Verdens folkeslag i vor tid, Pages 44-64. Copenhagen 1968. - Is launeddas – Field research on a Sardinian musical instrument by Andreas Fridolin Weis Bentzon in 1957-58 and 1962 Copenhagen 1970. Published as attachment to the record of the same name by: Dischi del sole, regional series Sardinia, Milan 1974. Also published on BRADS n. 4, 1972-73, pagg. 3-8. Carbon copy of the text sent by Bentzon to produce the record mentioned above > Records- That's a plenty - Jazz i club Montmartre - Untitled - Is launeddas – Field research on a Sardinian musical instrument by Andreas Fridolin Weis Bentzon in 1957-58 and 1962 Presentations- A dialogue with music students at the University of Copenhagen - Functions of launeddas in Sardinian communities - Sardiniens Folkemusik - Launeddas - Is launeddas – Sociology and Esthetics of a Sardinian Folk Music Tradition. - Udviklingen af den sydsardiske dansmusik, og dens sociale forudsætninger - Writings on a research on the shepherds' community in NuleIscandula has the following writings:
FilmsIn the course of the summer of 1962, Bentzon filmed 20 B&W, 16 mm rolls of film, a total of 60 minutes, to record the world of launeddas players. In 1998, Fiorenzo Serra, commissioned by Iscandula, used this filming, plus sound recordings and photographs, to put together a 38-minute documentary entitled ‘Is launeddas, the music of the Sardinians'. Radio programmesIn January 1962, Bentzon produced three shows for the Danish Radio and two for the Norwegian Radio. MaterialsWe have not been able to compile a full list of the materials available to date. In 1979, several documents were transferred from the Institute of Anthropology of the University of Copenhagen to ISRE in Nuoro, but the latter has not allowed us to view them. PhotographsPhotographs taken between 1955 and 1962 are kept at the National Museum of Denmark, and hey amount to c.257 negatives, a copy of which is currently held in Iscandula's archives. We are aware that the ISRE institute in Nuoro holds an interesting set of photographs taken by Fridolin e Sara Ruth Bentzon. Ethnographic material collected in SardiniaWhile researching launeddas in 1958, Fridolin collected some 151 tools on behalf of the National Museum of Denmark, illustrating the world of farmers and shepherds, as well as religion, carnival, bread-making, folk music etc. In 1959, these were exhibited for two months at the National Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen. Sound recordingsIn addition to sound recordings of launeddas, Benzon collected: 38 women's songs, 28 guitar sonatas, 18 poems, 80 tenores recordings and 85 fantasy tales. Iscandula plans to publish a selection of these recordings in the near future. Materials on gamelan musicIn 1963, Fridolin developed an interest in gamelan music and started a band with friends and co-workers. He wrote a wealth of music sheets and other material, which are now kept in Danish Folklore Archives in Copenhagen. |
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